

Google is an American multinational public company that has invested in Internet search, cloud computing, and advertising systems.

Google is the world's largest search engine. If you search for anything in this, you will definitely find it. Everyone thinks this in general, but the answer does not end here, the correct answer is “It is a Multinational Company, along with Search Engine, it has some other business like Internet Analytics, Cloud Computing also provides service.
For example, you use Google Drive, an advertising service, an application (the application you download from the Play Store), it has its own browser called Chrome, and its own operating system (Android), through all these Google makes its income.

How many of you know what Google is. Going back 15 to 20 years from today, then there was the internet but then there was a lack of information. Information was with the people but it was not so much on the net. Today, just like you would search a lot on the net, similarly, 10 to 15 years ago people used to get information in books, or by asking someone.
But getting information by asking people was a very big problem in that era, there was some website, but which information is correct on which website, or to get any information quickly, there was a lot of problems.

SEO and Importance

In 2016, it showed its interest in the mobile industry and brought a new mobile named Google Pixel which became popular in the market. Along with this, there are maps, e-mail, and more than 20 products in the world, about which I will tell you today.
If you know about the income of this company, then your senses will be blown away, yet know that it earns $ 1 Million US dollars in a day and that means about 6,85,22,50,000 rupees. Would you like to know what is the history of Google, so let's know.
The Name Google 

Inspired by the words googol in the book Mathematics and Imagination by Edward Kasner and James Newman, Larry Page and Sergey Brin chose the name of their search engine. Googol means 100 zeros behind 1.

History of Google 

By the way, in today's time, Google is a billion-trillion company, which has made its own place in Oxford Dictionary, which is a verb.


But two Ph.D. students had a hand in making this, whose name is Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who were students of Stanford University, California, they met at the same place in 1995 and from there this search engine started. 

Invention of Google

In 1996, when Sergey Brin and Larry Page were doing their Ph.D. studies, they thought of doing something different for their Ph.D. in the research project and they thought "If we rank the website by comparing it with other websites, then it will be very good, at that time His way of ranking was this, the number of times a word is searched, he will rank accordingly in that webpage and this is the image of Google today. In the beginning, he named it BACKRUB.

In 1997, both gave the name of the search engine "Google" which is "googol", in fact, it is a mathematical term and this is a strange truth made by Google writing this googol wrong. googol means 1 behind 100 zero.

Google's first doodle homepage was made in 1998 itself, but now Google changes more than 2000 doodle home pages all over the world, and in present times there is a team of doodles.

AdWords was started in the year 2000, and now Google is the world's largest company providing online advertising services, which has made the big business successful. Provides service of a text ad, video ad, and mobile ad and takes money in return.
On the day of 2004 April Fool, this company launched Gmail, it gave a lot of space to store Gmail data and is giving more in today's time.

Google bought a map maker company Keyhole in 2004-05 and today this map company is known as Google Map, which can show the way, new place information, and 360-degree view through the earth app. Sitting.

In 2006, this company bought a very special Video Sharing Website Youtube. At present, videos of 60 hours are being uploaded every minute.

Bought a 2007 Android and it is the best operating system for mobile devices in present times.

In 2008 his own browser chrome came on the market, officially launched on September 2, 2008, it is one of the favorite browsers in the world.

Eric Schmid was before Larry Page became the new CEO of Google in 2011, he is now the executive chairman of the alphabet.

Google project started in 2011 itself, it had real-life sharing features like Facebook, Twitter

Android 4.1 jelly bean update came in 2012, and Google Nexus 7 tablets were launched.

On July 9, 2012, Google Now and Google Voice Search Feature started, now it has become Google Assistant.
Google came to the Glass Market in 2013. In which you can play your mobile through glasses.

VR HEADSET was started in 2015, and now it has become quite popular.

In 2016, the Google Loon Project started, where the Internet was reached wherever the Internet did not reach, and in the same year, Google's first mobile phone Pixel was launched.

Google Home was also started in 2016, through which you can run all the electronic devices in the house, along with you can also know the answers to some questions. was launched in Google's Google i/o in 2017 where you will get AI Tools and with this Google Lens also started, through which you can take any photo of yourself and know what it is???

So this was the history of Google till now, so Google will continue to go ahead with it, let's see if anything new will come.

Google Full Form


Owner of The Google

The owner of the Google company is Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

CEO of Google

Google's CEO is Sunder Pichai, who is of Indian origin. It is really a matter of pride for us that an Indian is the CEO of the world's largest internet company.

For your information, let me tell you that Sundar Pichai Ji gets a salary of about 1200-1300 crores every year.

Which country's company is Google?

Google is a US company based in the state of California. This question often comes to the mind of people. At the same time, the branches of Google are located in many places, and India is also included in them.

--- Some more products from Google

Here you will know what Google Products are, about their work and what they are used for. learn one by one.
Search - It is used by the everyone internet user. Using this, you can search about anything on Google.

Android – This is the world's most used mobile OS. You will get to see this in every other's hand.

Chrome Browser – A browser that is a fast, simple, and secure browser for all devices.

Blogger - You can create your own blog. This is a completely free service where you can convey your thoughts to the people.
ChromeOS – Operating System for Laptop and Computer

Gmail – electronic e-mail service. With this, you can send your message in e-format.
Chromecast – With this you can easily stream movies, music, and more from your phone to your TV.

Google - A social website was created by Google, but it has been closed by Google.

Google Pay – Google Pay is now the easiest way to send your money anywhere.
Books - In which you will get many books to read, that too in e format.

Calendar - In which what do you want to do outside the day, meeting with someone, you can store all these details here. You can also share the event with your friend.

Contacts - To keep the addresses and numbers of your family and friends together. You can also synchronize them with any device.
Docs – This is used to open Microsoft Office documents online like Word, xl, and txt.
Google Drive - Where you can keep your data and download the data whenever you want.
Earth - Through this you can make lions of the whole world sitting at home.

Image - In which you can search any picture.

Keep – In this, you can keep your thoughts like notes, lists, and voice memos and access them from anywhere.

Maps - This is such an app in which you can easily search any place and you can also find the way to go.

Google Ads - Advertise to people who are searching for your products.

AdSense - Monetize your content with ads so that you can get the right price for it.
Analytics – With this you can see the insights of the customer so that you can create your strategy.

Google My Business - Get your business info in front of people in Google Search and Maps.

Google Wifi - A fast signal that sends a signal to your entire house.

Google Now - In which you can easily search for any information like you do in Google, and it gives the same information about which you search.

Google Patents - You can search for millions of patents in this.

Google Photos - This is the online place where you can keep photos, and videos. You can download it whenever you want.

Google Allo – A smart messaging app that helps you to say more and do more.
Google Duo – A smart video calling app so that you can make high-quality video calling on Android and iOS platforms.
Google Translator - In which you can translate about 100 languages.
Wear OS – An OS that tracks every minuter of yours so that you stay fit, stay connected, and stay ahead.
YouTube - This is a Video Sharing Site, you will definitely find the video you search for here.

Founder of Google - Whose shares are more?

Now let's know who has how much share in Google company, although Google's share is with many people, I will just tell the names of three special people who have the highest number of shares: –

1. Larry Page – 27.4%
2. Sergey Brin – 26.9%
3. Eric Schmidt – 5.5%


Google's mission statement is "Our mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful".

In English:- “Our aim is to organize all the information in the world smoothly and make it universally accessible and useful”.

How does Google earn its money?

If you look carefully, you will find that Google does not charge you for most of its services. Whether it is Gmail, Video Service such as YouTube, or Google Search. Here you do not have to pay a single rupee to use these services. Now the question arises when Google provides us all these free services then how does it earn its money?

The thing to think about is that despite providing so many services, how is Google number 1 in earnings?

The most correct answer to this is from advertisement. Yes, you heard it right. Google has clearly shown in one of its reports that more than 96% of its income is earned only from advertisements. About 70% of the ads you see on Google or all the websites or blogs that you see on Google are created by Google itself. Since Google is a very big search engine, about 1 Billion results are found in it. With this, you can think about the traffic of Google. So the answer is that you are also the source of its earnings. Yes, I'll explain to you how "you" go. Google is a very advertising company and its biggest product is you. 96% of its earnings are through advertisements. Every day Google shows 1 billion results in the form of search queries to people all over the world. Along with this, it also shows several billion advertisements to people simultaneously. The secret of their work is hidden in the scale.
In this, it is tracking your most online activities. That's why it shows you all those ads whose search you have ever done before. That's why there are more chances that you buy those things by clicking on the ads. It shows ads according to the interest of the consumers.
In such a situation, all the people who use Google Services become its products in a way. Which proves to be helpful in selling it to other companies. That's why most companies use google ads only for the promotion of their products.

Let's take a look at how this advertising or advertising service provides.

Google Ads/Adwords

“Adwords” is an online advertising service of Google, where advertisers pay money and Google delivers the advertisement of their business to the right people. The special thing about Adwords is, that you have to pay money only when the visitor takes any action on your business ad, it interacts with each other.

Companies who want to reach their service to other people or want to promote their products. They use these google ads or Adwords.

Here you have to provide all the necessary information to make your ads. So that your ads can easily reach the targeted customers. At the same time, it is visible only to those people who are interested in those products. In such a situation, many companies have to provide money to Google to provide the facility for these ads.

Google Adsense

AdSense is a Google product that shows the automatic text, image, and video ads on the publisher's website or blog.
Here Google uses its ads on publishers' websites or blogs. For this, it distributes with the publishers whatever earning it earns from the click of ads. Here Google keeps 55% of the amount, while 45% goes to the publisher's account.

In this type of advertisement, money is taken in the form of cost per thousand impressions. Also, the publisher also gets some share in it.

Google brings the publishers to the advertisers, while the publishers also bring the users to the advertisers. In such a situation, Google acts as a medium.

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