Haji Ali Dargah and History

This wonderful and miraculous Haji Ali Dargah, spread over an area of ​​4500 square meters, on a small island in the middle of the Arabian Sea, at least 500 yards from the Worli coast of Mumbai, is one of the few religious places in the world. There is a place where people of all religions together ask for their vows by tying a thread with mutual love and brotherhood.
This Dargah of Haji Ali, built in the memory of a great Muslim saint, is a holy site. There is a famous Dargah named Haji Ali situated on an island near Worli, Mumbai.

This dargah was built in the year 1431 in the memory of a great Muslim saint, Sayyid Pir Haji Ali Shah Bukhari. Every year people of all religions go here to ask for their prayers by offering a chadar.

The Shaking Mysteries of Haji Ali Dargah

This dargah of Baba Haji Ali Shah Bukhari has always been surrounded by mystery, now the question arises that the huge waves arising from the storms and tides coming in the sea can easily destroy any building.

But till today the storm and the waves have not been able to stop even the hair of this dargah, makes this mystery even deeper, there is only one (pool) of cement leading to the dargah, which is completely submerged at the time of tide in the sea. goes and the dargah has to be closed.

But the astonishing thing is that not even a single drop of water rising in the tide goes inside the dargah. If it happens, the whole path gets submerged in water.
That is why the dargah is opened every day from morning to evening, on Fridays, there is a large amount of passengers here.

Haji Ali Dargah History

In the year 1431, this dargah was built in the memory of Sayyid Pir Haji Ali Shah Bukhari, according to Haji Ali Dargah Trust, Haji Ali reached India while traveling the whole world from Bukhara province of Uzbekistan.

Once upon a time, when Baba Haji Ali Shah was offering Namaz in a deserted place in Uzbekistan, a crying woman passed by. fell, now her husband will kill her a lot The woman went to her house.

But after this incident, Pir Haji Ali Shah started having bad dreams, he felt that he injured the earth by burying his thumb, from that day he started missing and also fell very ill, to avoid all these things and do business. For Haji Ali Shah, after taking permission from his mother, reached the place in Mumbai with his brother which was close to the dargah, after some time his brother returned but Haji Ali Shah went to India to propagate Islam among the people. I just stayed.

Haji Ali Dargah Miracle Story

It is said that he wrote a letter to his mother, selling his share of Gujrish's property in Uzbekistan and put it in the maintenance and salvation of the poor. It is also said that Haji Ali Shah was a very big businessman of his time. But for the propagation of Islam, he left his business and leisure life and started his life like a saint and after distributing all his wealth among the poor, left for Mecca for Hajj. During this he died.

Before dying, he had expressed his last wish that after death, he should not be buried, but his shroud should be put in the sea itself. That his coffin was flowing in the Arabian Sea and stopped at the same place in Mumbai where he used to stay.

This in itself was a wonderful and great miracle, after that his injustice had built Haji Ali Shah's dargah at this place, perhaps it was born in the lap of nature, it was a wonderful charisma that told that Haji Ali Shah was a true He was a noble person, perhaps this is the reason that since 1431 till now no storm or tidal waves have been able to disturb even the hair of the dargah.
Haji Ali Dargah Mumbai in Hindi Haji Ali Shah's Dargah looks very beautiful on reaching the main complex, on reaching the main complex, you can see the pillars engraved with colored glass carvings. In which 99 names of Allah are written, apart from this, there is a circle of silver pillars around this dargah which is very beautiful.

Scenes of many Bollywood films have been shown in this dargah, and inside the dargah, you will find many such shops from where you can take prasad, sheets and other items.

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